Excellence Awards

Optimal production planning
& Efficient logistics

Alpiconn wins Gold and Silver awards
for optimizing operations at Coffee Island's
plant and logistics center

For the second consecutive year we are distinguished at the Manufacturing Excellence Awards 2020 with Gold and Silver prizes for significantly optimizing operations and improving quality at Coffee Island's production plant and logistics center.

Coffee Island is renowned for its persistence in excellence and the continuous efforts to manufacture quality products through efficient and viable operations. Alpiconn is proud to be part of this successful story, by contributing to the company's supply chain digital transformation. Our joined efforts and close cooperation with the company's production, logistics and IT departments resulted to the development of a highly-automated, interconnected information system, that coordinates logistics, production planning and execution and quality control procedures.

For us, it is of greatest importance that our solutions create value and measurable benefits for our partners. Our collaboration with Coffee Island is one of those case, where results exceed original expectations and becomes benchmark for all industries in manufacturing.

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